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Who Is Really Responsible For Time-to-Line?

Quick Quiz: Who is really responsible for time to line? Used car manager F&I Manager Fixed Operations manager All of the above If 1,2 and 3 are not being measured as a start-to-finish workflow process, Time to Line performance cannot realistically be measured and managed.

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Do You Have a Time-to-Line Culture?

Time-to-Line (T2L) should be the single most important objective that defines your dealership’s culture. This objective should bind all recon resources together from the time vehicles are acquired to the time they hit the front-line. And, to institutionalize a true time-to- market culture, tools for

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Recon Workflow Requires Data Driven Recon Processes

  In our first of three articles discussing how to drive time and cost wastes out of the reconditioning process, we took a look at how lean manufacturing workflow principles when applied to automotive reconditioning, improves outcomes. That article outlined the fundamental processes for how

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Buyers for pre-owned cars are spending money again, and across the country dealers are feeling cautiously optimistic about this continuing. At the same time, the online competitive landscape demands new ways of reaching buyers through search powerhouses, like AutoTrader.com, Cars.com and, now, Google. With all

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The Path to Recon Best Practices

On the road to more profitable used car operations, an increasing number of dealers are aligning their resources and processes to operate at best-practices level of reconditioning performance.Their recon operations, like yours, can cut cycle time by half,getting their inventory frontline ready in three to four days, adding a week of selling time and increasing inventory turns by a factor of one to three.

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Accountability and Red Flags in the Recon Process

Metrics based on verifiable facts, and not opinions, is the only way to ensure you have airtight accountability in your recon process. If you include the third dimension of managing the ups and downs of business cycles, then these same metrics are vital to both

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Flow Gross From Recon to Your Bottom Line

If you still run your recon department on “gut feel” and not metrics, you’re losing money. Metrics — hard performance data — is the road map to flowing gross from your recon to your bottom line. Manage by the facts and you’ll flow significant gross to

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Margin Compression; A leaking faucet

When I first got into the car business in the late 80’s, the term Margin Compression was something relating to industries other than Auto. Back in those days, a dealer normally had a 60-90 day period to maximize their gross profit. Unfortunately those days are

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End the Blame Game in Recon

Blame – assign responsibility for a fault or wrong. Most dealership personnel will associate the term Reconditioning with Time-to-Line, although TTL involves much more than the normal “mechanical and cosmetic” processes. When I was in the dealership, the majority of the reconditioning of a used vehicle

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Recon Time vs Time-to-Line

  “What is the difference between managing Reconditioning time and Time-to-Line? The active involvement of the GM.  If you are still trying to hold people accountable for the reconditioning cycle instead of TTL then I have some great news. Recon is of course a vital

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