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Dialing In Used Car Turns

The automated software tools associated with Dial A and Dial C are data rich and have been responsible for a majority of dealers to forgo their own “gut feel” on which cars to acquire
by converting to a sophisticated inventory management solution from either vAuto, AAX

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Does Your 2013 Business Plan Include Used Car Turns or Lowering Average Reconditioning Expense?

2011 and 2012 were breakthrough years for dealers installing real-time reconditioning workflow advances. Similar technology
has been successfully implemented in the manufacturing sector, including automotive, to simultaneously reduce cost and improve quality and flexibility, while also increasing volume. Automated workflow management in reconditioning includes the integration

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Personal Performance Metrics Puts Meaning into Time-to-Market

Nothing motives a workforce like real-time performance measurements. Therefore, four words — “real-time performance metrics” — may be the only thing standing between you and much greater performance and effectiveness for your reconditioning. Think about this.There is a strong connection between workforce analytics and the

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State-of-the-Art Reconditioning

In late 2010, when workflow process was first applied to reconditioning, texting and data plans were expensive. In fact, most techs did not carry smartphones. Today, virtually all technicians, detailers, photographers, subcontractors and lot managers not only have smartphones — but, they know well how

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New Workflow Technology is Now Here For UCM’s

One of the most challenging and long-standing barriers to a smooth running recon process is the fact that the used car manager never has enough time to stay on top of recon — in spite of the fact that the UCM is typically the largest

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Reconditioning For The Long Haul

When is the time to fix the reconditioning process with your dealership? When purchases and trades took too long When accountability is weak? When frequent management attention is needed?   If any or all of the above impediments are consuming resources that should be otherwise

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Reconditioning “Time-to-Market” In 5 Days – Everett Cheverolet

Real-time workflow technology, now with full mobile access, is replacing the varying and frustrating attempts to make reconditioning accountable. This technology was originally developed, and is the concept behind, “Just-in- Time” (JIT) manufacturing JIT manufacturing centers on the elimination of waste in the entire manufacturing

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5 Secrets Behind Used Vehicle Success – DePaula Chevrolet

  According to Dale Pollak’s blog, “Turnaround Specialist: A Dealer Shares 5 Secrets Behind His Used Vehicle Success,”  DEPAULA CHEVROLET, dealer of the year winner, shares the secrets of their success. They experienced an incredible turnaround in the used vehicle department over a 15-month time

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